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Secondary schools

In keeping with its open spirit and aim to make culture and creation accessible to as many people as possible, all the Centre Pompidou’s tours and workshops catering to schools are now free of charge.


You need to book activities in advance.
We recommend doing so as soon as possible, to be able to prepare for your tour smoothly.


Duration: 1½ hrs
Available all year

Tours have been designed to present major figures in modern and contemporary art according to a timeline or various themes.

Panorama of art
Letter and graphics
Art and literature
Collage, recycling, diversion
Architectural visit
Bodies and identities
Drawing tour

Art and sport

Workshops at the public library (BPI)

Duration: 2 hr
Available all year

Information and registration:

News | Tox

Building your opinion

Stereotypes in the media

France as a foreign language and media trail
Searching for the painting

Philo-creation workshops

Contributor days at Wikipedia

Collection / Exhibitions

Duration: 1½ hrs 
With or without a guide

Collection :

Le Centre Pompidou offre au public la plus riche collection d’art moderne et contemporain d’Europe. Couvrant la création de l’aube du 20e siècle à aujourd’hui, pluridisciplinaire, internationale, elle ne cesse de s’enrichir, d’évoluer, selon une politique d’acquisition résolument tournée vers les artistes vivants.


Musée, niveau 5 et niveau 4


Expositions :

Qu’elles soient thématiques ou monographiques, consacrées à des artistes iconiques ou à la jeune création contemporaine, sur les scènes française ou internationale, les expositions du Centre Pompidou renouvellent notre regard sur le monde et permettent une approche pluridisciplinaire de l’histoire des arts.


« Bande dessinée 1964-2024 »

Jusqu'au 4 novembre 2024

« Surréalisme »
Du 4 septembre 2024 au 13 janvier 2025


« Paris Noir »
Du 12 mars au 30 juin 2025

Accompanying adults

To ensure the safety of the group it is important to comply with the minimum number of adults shown in the table above.

Number of childrenRequired number of accompanying adults
1 to 12


13 to 24





For Visits:

Book online


Or by phone:

+33 (0)1 44 78 12 33

Mondays to Saturdays (except public holidays)

from 9 am to 6 pm


Download the booking calendar (in French)

For Workshops: