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Regional outreach

Since it opened in 1977, the Centre Pompidou has developed a policy of steadfast partnerships with national cultural institutions, as well as loans and deposits of works, in keeping with its original remit to promote modern and contemporary art throughout France. The renovation period from 2025 to 2030 offers an opportunity for a new approach to designing projects, based on a spirit of partnership that favours co-construction and long-term planning. The Constellation project is based on a strong principle of exchange and support for programming by and for the Centre Pompidou's sister institutions, drawing on their energies and networks.

Centre Pompidou-Metz

As an obvious, favoured partner, the Centre Pompidou-Metz will be playing a crucial role in this setup as from 2025, its 15th anniversary. This close collaboration is already thriving, with the major loans in 2024 for the exhibitions "Repetition" (February 2023-January 2025), "Lacan, the exhibition" (December 2023-May 2024), "André Masson" (March-September 2024) and "Seeing time in colour. The Challenges of Photography" (July-November 2024). 


The schedule will embrace the collection further, earmarking several areas to host works, with varying paces and viewpoints, while forging ahead with the establishment’s own schedule.

Centre Pompidou | Val-de-Loire

On 28 March 2023, the Centre-Val de Loire Region and the Centre Pompidou signed a 4-year partnership agreement for the "Nouvelles Renaissance(s] !" cultural season organised by the Centre-Val de Loire Region since 2019. This partnership emphasises a common interest in setting up educational initiatives and schedules contributing to greater access to art and culture.



18 October – 3 November 2024

Autumn 2025 and 2026


Each year, the Centre Pompidou will open its collection and roll out its schedule at the Ar(t)chipel festival, highlighting artists, places steeped in heritage, museums and sites open specially for the occasion and the homes of writers and artists' workshops. 

The 1st edition took place in autumn 2023. Three more will follow – in 2024, this time with initiatives aimed at young audiences; and in 2025, with celebrations to mark the death of artists Max Ernst and Alexandre Calder.


2023 Ar(t)chipel festival website

Centre Pompidou | Lyon

With an exhibition organised jointly with the Pôle des musées d'art de Lyon MBA / mac Lyon in the magnificent setting of the Musée Guimet and an exceptional partnership with the Biennale de la Danse, the Centre Pompidou will arrive in Lyon in 2025!


Le Musée sentimental
(The Sentimental Museum)

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon / Mac Lyon


The Musée Sentimental grew out of the Musée des Monuments Français designed by Alexandre Lenoir, which provides the "DNA" for the exhibition theme. In 1791, Alexandre Lenoir was in charge of a warehouse at the Petits-Augustins convent in Paris which was to house statues from religious establishments: he gradually transformed it into an actual museum. This was the fist time in the history of collections and museums recently opened in Europe, that medieval art had been pride of place. Lenoir’s museum was built on sentiment: it was a museum dealing  in emotion rather than study. The Élysée garden, behind the convent, is another source of fascination for visitors. Fleury Richard, a native of Lyon, loved its atmosphere and drew inspiration for his pictures, as did many artists known as the Troubadour painters, whose work is showcased at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon.
Another source for this theme is the exhibition presented in 1977 by artist Daniel Spoerri, "The Sentimental Museum", in the Centre Pompidou Forum, which project was later rolled out  in other cities. According to Pontus Hultén, Director of the Musée national d’art moderne, this museum was devoted to "the fetishist aberrations of works of art".


Curator: Sylvie Ramond, curator in chief, director Pôle des musées d’art de Lyon MBA/MAC, director Musée des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Isabelle Bertolotti, director Musée d’Art contemporain de Lyon and Sophie Duplaix, curator in chief Collections contemporaines Centre Pompidou – Musée national d’art moderne
Co-production: Ville de Lyon and Centre Pompidou – Musée national d’art moderne


La Biennale de la danse
Gisèle Vienne, Eszter Salamon et Dorothée Munyaneza

macLYON, Villa Gillet, Les Grandes Locos

May 2025 – January 2026


The Centre Pompidou and the Biennale de la Danse share a multi-disciplinary approach to dance. This common approach has prompted them to imagine a schedule focussing on Gisèle Vienne, Eszter Salamon and Dorothée Munyaneza.

Invited to exhibit creations and re-creations in situ, these three artist-choreographers each explore the intersection between dance and other disciplines such as music, the visual arts and thought in three emblematic partner venues of the Biennale de la Danse (macLYON, Villa Gillet and Les Grandes Locos). The Centre Pompidou and the Biennale are producing these shows jointly, symbolising a strong, shared commitment to backing the production of the works. 


Other iconic festivals from the Centre Pompidou’s programme, such as Extra! and Hors Pistes, will be hitting the road and taking on new forms, in synergy with various regional arts centres and meetups. 

Centre Pompidou | Lille

Lille will be taking a very special place in the Centre Pompidou | Constellation programme, with the inaugural exhibition-manifesto at the Tripostal for lille3000 in April 2025. Further events will be held thanks to a partnership struck with the LaM – Lille Métropole Musée d’Art Moderne, d’Art Contemporain et d’Art Brut.


Pom Pom Pi Dou


26 April – 2 November 2025


The Centre Pompidou will be taking over all areas at the Tripostal with the exhibition "Pom pom Pi dou" during Fiesta, the 7th major edition of lille3000. On the fringe of the exhibition, all Centre Pompidou entities will be brought together for a live performance programme catering to a young audience.

On this occasion, and on the fringe of the exhibition, the institution will be offering the general public the chance to experience a dazzling, playful concentrate of the Centre Pompidou utopia as it occupies the Tripostal like a venue mirroring its home building in Paris, a laboratory for cultural experiments.


Curator: Jeanne Brun, deputy director Musée national d’art moderne, Jean-Max Colard, chief Service de la parole, Centre Pompidou
Co-organisation: lille3000 and Centre Pompidou


Kandinsky face aux images
(Kandinsky and the image)


February – May 2026


Put together based on a set of works drawn mostly from the Centre Pompidou collection, this retrospective will explore an unknown, indeed unexpected aspect of Wassily Kandinsky’s work: the role of photography. As an abstract artist with a spiritual, inward-facing focus, Kandinsky is rarely associated with photography, scientific images and pess illustrations, yet he maintained strong ties with the medium throughout his life. These photographs are not only an iconographic record of his work; they also acted as food for thought and an educational tool, helping to fuel his visual thinking process.


Curator: Angela Lampe, curator Service des collections modernes, Centre Pompidou – Musée national d’art moderne, Jeanne-Bathilde Lacourt, curator Art moderne, LaM
Co-organisation: Le LaM – Lille Métropole Musée d'art moderne, d'art contemporain et d'art brut and Centre Pompidou – Musée national d’art moderne


Antonin Artaud. L'image et en deçà
(Antonin Artaud. Image and below)


Autumn 2026


Antonin Artaud’s drawings are disconcerting, and inextricably linked to his explorations in literature, theatre and film. His entie work is an attempt to "substitute stilted forms of art with lively, threatening forms". They soon attracted the attention of Jean Dubufet, and in the 1960s, an entire generation of philosophers including Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, Michel Foucault, Félix Guattari and Susan Sontag, who took a passionate interest in the magic relationship between the words and images they were to discover. 

Designed based on drawings from the Centre Pompidou’s Antonin Artaud collection, the exhibition aims to shed light on the circumstances of their creation and their reception using accounts (texts and works) by those he mingled with and those he inspired, including Wols, Nancy Spero and Dubufet.


Curator: Anne Monfort, curator, Cabinet d’art graphique, Centre Pompidou – Musée national d’art moderne, Savine Faupin, chief curator, art brut, LaM
Co-organisation: Le LaM – Lille Métropole Musée d'art moderne, d'art contemporain et d'art brut and Centre Pompidou – Musée national d’art moderne

Centre Pompidou | Toulon

A partnership agreement has been signed between Toulon Provence Méditerranée Council and the Villa Noailles with four national institutions, the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, the Centre National des Arts Plastiques (CNAP), the Mobilier National and the Centre Pompidou. From 2024 to 2027, the four establishments will rotate exhibitions devoted to design at the Hôtel des Arts Toulon Provence Méditerranée during the festival Design Parade Toulon, scheduled at the Villa Noailles.


L’enfance du design
(The Childhood of Design)

June – November 2025


In the early 20th century, children started to occupy a new place within the family and in society. Children’s furniture was produced independently and developed its own specific chaacter, thanks to the impetus of educational theory emphasising early learning and learning through play. All the great designers, from Verner Panton to Luigi Colani, produced objects for children, and sometimes moving beyond mere objects redesign entire environments.


Curator: Marie-Ange Brayer, curator inchief, Service design et prospective, Centre Pompidou – Musée national d’art moderne

Centre Pompidou | Auxerre

The City Council of Auxerre and the Centre Pompidou instigated a partnership involving the joint organisation of two exhibitions in 2022 and 2023, based on a selection of works from the Centre Pompidou collection and exhibited at Saint-Germain abbey. In order to prolong the dynamic impetus and success with the general public, both parties have expressed the desire to firm up the collaboration from 2024 to 2026. 


Botanique des imaginaires
(Botany in art)

Abbaye Saint-Germain

15 June – 3 November 2024


As the object of contemplation and interrogation, the plant world is a source of some wondrous forms and stories, the mystery and meaning of which artists ever seek to understand. In this age of great ecological upheaval, the general public is invited to rethink our relationship with nature and ask what it can teach us about ourselves.

In conversation with the abbey’s history and collections, this circuit examines art from the 20th and 21st centuries, featuring photography, film, sculptues and NFTs, inviting visitors to learn to write new accounts of nature. 


Curator: Jonathan Pouthier, conservation officer, Service du cinéma, Centre Pompidou – Musée national d'art moderne

Centre Pompidou | Centre des monuments nationaux

Continuing on from long-standing partnerships between the Centre Pompidou and the Centre des Monuments Nationaux ("Germaine Richier" at the Mont-Saint-Michel abbey in 2017 and the Arc de Triomphe wrapped by Christo and Jeanne-Claude in 2021), the collection will be striking up conversations with monuments.

In 2026, there will be a multi-disciplinary, citizen-centric project at the Pantheon and collaborations with the Royal Monastery of Brou, the Palais Jacques Coeur and the Cité Internationale de la Langue Française at the Château de Villers-Cotterêts. Then in 2027 – 2028, at villa Cavrois and abbaye de Montmajour.

In addition to these existing partnerships, the Centre Pompidou plans to extend this type of collaboration to other institutions, cities and regions. Examples include the Galerie du Design in Saint-Étienne, when it opens in 2026; Grenoble, where the exhibition "Joan Miró, the  Centre Pompidou collection" will provide a preview of the Centre Pompidou | Constellation spirit from April 2024; and Normandy. 

Centre Pompidou | MuMo

Itineraries throughout the country

While the Centre Pompidou is closed, MuMo will become a key element in the Centre Pompidou | Constellation programme. It will be visiting French territories overseas for the fist time, with a tour planned in Martinique and Guadeloupe in late 2026 / early 2027.


The partnership between the Centre Pompidou and the Mobile Museum founded in 2011 by Ingrid Brochard was bound to continue during the closure. Resulting from collaboration between architect Isabel Hérault and artist Krijn de Koning, it was fist initiated in 2020 with the MuMo van dreamed up by matali crasset, then confirmed in 2022 with the MuMo × Cente Pompidou setting out on the road. In collaboration with Art Explora, this new project lays on exhibitions for young people, designed using works from the Centre Pompidou collection. The selected works will afford a sensitive, playful approach based on observation and direct encounters with works.

Since the inauguration of MuMo × Centre Pompidou, 30,000 people have visited the van, including 16,800 children. 40% of them had never been to the museum before.

Centre Pompidou | mille formes

Clermont-Ferrand and Montpellier

"mille formes" fist opened in 2019 in Clermont-Ferrand, as the fist European centre to introduce 0-6-year-olds to art. It was an initiative launched by Mayor Olivier Bianchi and the Centre Pompidou. Since it opened, it has welcomed over 35,107 visitors. 

This 750 sq.m multi-disciplinary area is open to the city, organising experiences for children and their parents, geared around works that have been specially adapted or produced for children. The schedule was designed by contemporary artists factoring in the diversity of artistic fields. The general public can check out an interactive exhibition, participate in workshops, attend events focussing on dance and music, and experience the area specifically geared to babies and toddlers (0-24 months).


Built on the success of "mille formes" in Clermont-Ferrand, a new "mille formes" will open in 2025, in Montpellier.